Jesus is pushing His way through the crowd and a women who
has suffered with bleeding her entire life touches the hem of His cloak and is
healed. A young boy that was beset by demons was brought to Jesus and fell on
the ground convulsing in front of Him. Jesus reached down and took his hand and
lifted him up and he was healed. There
was a crippled woman that was bent over for eighteen years. When Jesus saw her
He “put His hands on her” and she was healed. By the pool of Bethesda a man was
crippled from his birth. Jesus says, “Pick up your bed and go home,” and he was
healed. When Jairus, a man that Jesus did not know, came and told Jesus that
his daughter was dying Jesus left and went with him immediately. When they told
Him that His best bud Lazarus was dying, he waited two more days before He
went. (Healed them both by the way.) Bartimaeus the blind man yells for Jesus,
“Son of David, have mercy on me. Jesus says, “Go, your faith has healed you,”
and Bart can see. Another blind man comes and Jesus spits in the mud, wipes it
on the guys eyes and says, “Go wash this off.” When he does, he can see. Still
another blind man, (Where did they get all of these blind people?) comes to
Jesus and Jesus spits directly on his eyes. They guy says, “I can see but not
clearly. Men look like trees.” Jesus touches his eyes again and 20/20.
Jon-Mical, my grandson, goes to a Methodist church
preschool. I take him every morning and pick him up at noon. One day someone
had painted a big cross on the parking lot. Jon-Mical said, “Look PoppyC. Jesus
painted a cross on the parking lot.” Then he said with all the innocent
affection and admiration that a three year old can muster, “That crazy Jesus.”
Now whenever Jesus does something special for us, (and He does a lot!) we all
say, “That crazy Jesus.”
Jesus used a lot of different ways and words to bring about
healing. In fact, it hardly seems He ever healed any two people in exactly the
same way. One time He speaks, another time He touches, and sometimes they even
touch Him. Once when the disciples were
in the boat and it was stormy He spoke, “Peace, Be still.” Another time He just
decided to walk out to them…ON THE WATER.
It seems to me that if Our Lord was not confined to one
treatment pattern, if He did not stick with one single modality, then it
behooves (I love to be behooved) us to, as Paul says, “become all things to all
people so that I might save some.” God
seems to make a point of variety, look around you, and He may desire that we be
willing to be creative and varied in our attempts to bring healing to others.
Listen, I am as much a rut person as the next guy. I go to
and from work the same way every day. I park in the same place. I eat the same
oatmeal for breakfast every morning. I have one really comfortable pair of
jockey shorts (but let’s don’t go there.) I’m just saying I can get very
comfortable with my routine. And that’s okay. When I do the same thing over and
over I know it better. I am prepared for all eventualities inside my routine. I
can explain it better to others. And I have faith that my routine works.
Someone comes in for counseling, I do an intake, I ask them about their family
of origin, we go over their APS Temperament profile, and we’re off to the
But maybe, just maybe, God is saying that we are all
“fearfully and wonderfully made,” that we all bring unique and complex issues
to the table and those things get all intertwined in a way that is a little bit
different for everybody. Maybe God is saying, “If you trust me I will show you
a new way, maybe several new ways, to bring healing and hope to the broken-hearted.”
That is the model that Branches is built on. We believe
healing comes just one way and only one way, God does it. But having said that,
sometimes He uses EMDR, sometimes talk therapy, sometimes inner-healing prayer,
and sometimes deliverance. You know what, sometimes He heals and doesn’t even
use me. THINK OF IT!
A few weeks ago I talked to a guy that I had seen a few
times and then he didn’t come back. He came up to me in a store to thank me for
the amazing changes in his life and how I had helped him so much. His wife was
there and she said, “Since he met with you he has been a completely different
person. We could not be more happy.” Cool. I’m feeling great so I asked him,
“What did I say that made the difference?” He knew immediately. “I can tell you
exactly,” he said. “When you said this… changed everything for me.” I
thanked him and they went on. You know what? I did not say what he said I did.
Never have. It’s good. I might start saying to people but I didn’t say it to
him. The Holy Spirit comes and He says what needs to be said and He uses what
needs to be used and He heals in the way He desires.
So, get out of the rut. Trust God. He might bring healing to
you today in new way that you never imagined. Or He might break through at last
using the same old method that you have tried a hundred times before. I do know
this. He will come. And He will heal. That crazy Jesus. He loves you like that.
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